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Do you ever feel like you have got so much to do, and you’re constantly busy, but it feels like it doesn’t get you anywhere? So much stuff to do, just had a week of holidays and I had planned to do so many things but now afterwards it feels like I haven’t done anything at all, while I haven’t been sitting still either. 

I started reading The Silmarillion, but haven’t finished it yet. I started reading a dutch book for school, but haven’t finished that either. I got a different room in my parents’ house and it looks kind of great right now – it’s all about bands and books and art-ish things, but I haven’t cleaned and cleared my old room yet, which was a must. I had like a dozen reports to write and I have begun with all of them, but none of those are finished either. I had a very detailled drawing to finish this week for art class, but guess what? Right.

Anyway, you get the point. I keep doing things, but the things I do don’t get me anywhere and I got too little time to do everything, the things that matter. Sure, there are things I did do, I did finish and I did accomplish, but nothing that is satisfying to myself. 

Ah well, what I’ll say then, I’ve still got a whole afternoon. It’s 11:50am now. And I can work until I drop – but that’s not the way I want to do it. Not that it has such a rush anyway because it doesn’t have to be done by tomorrow – but I would’ve liked it to be done by today. In other words: I have let myself down. 

Next week must and shall be a very productive week! I will be working hard and finally work out that list of mine:) If only because it feels good to cross those things that I have done, finished, completed. That’s what I will do it for!